
We have now completed our project and achieved our goals however with time remaining until the deadline, we decided to add extra features that will improve the user experience by providing smoother interaction. Also we considered making our product user friendly and easily accessible for every individual including some with poor eye sight or lack of understanding.

First idea we came up with was to attach a feature which will give the user an option to adjust the brightness of the screen. This was an excellent idea as it will help someone with poor eye sight the chance to read with extra brightness. Also this feature will give user the power to control the contrast of the screen so they will be able to adjust to their preferences.


The perfect component to use for this feature was a potentiometer as this will ideal for user to control the contrast. Just like a light rotating switch in a room to control the power of the light, we will use the potentiometer to control the brightness of the screen. We have relative knowledge on how to function a potentiometer thanks to our previous lab work so we didn’t face any difficulty implementing this to our system. We simply connected the potentiometer to an available analog pin the attached it to the readings of the LCD screen. The image below shows a clear picture of the potentiometer switch.


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