Week 4- Storing data and soldering

Week 4- Storing data and soldering

Continuing from previous tasks and the problems that we faced, we have now resolved these issues and our program is functioning correctly meeting all the conditions and objectives. Last week, we struggled to overcome the problem we faced which was to store the data after users input and also give admin the rights and permission to be able to print out list of names.

My partner William has come up with a solution to correct this. He has added an array of matrix and then declared a void storage of data which stores all the names of the users. The void print function then detects the encrypted password assigned to the administrator which only they will know. Once this password is inputted then the void print function will recognise and system will print out all the names stored in the matrix of array. William has also created a function that will reset the matrix once the list is printed. This will allow the admin to delete all unnecessary data as well as store relevant data for future evidence.


This registry system is now functioning successfully as the users are able to input their names which can then be viewed by the administrator at any time. In our case, this will record a collection of students attendance to the lecturers office. We now had to solder few wires to be held in position more firmly and also cut some wires short to keep all the cablings neat. The picture below shows how our final product looks with all components attached and wires connected.

IMG_20141208_164351 IMG_20141208_164356

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